Much Needed. The new ambulance arrived several months ago


Anne Maddison reports that the Red Cross have received "a very generous donation", from an a donor who wishes to remain anonymous, which has ensured that the organisation has met the target of 10,000 euros set for the Spring Sale held in May. This sum will be used to offset the cost of the new ambulance which arrived on the island several months ago.

On Monday 2nd August the Red Cross Craft Group will be holding a Coffee Morning at the Picadero, starting at 1000 hrs. There will be a clearance sale plus stalls selling plants, books and bric-a-brac and a chance to win some "goodies" from the Harvey Nichols Food Hall. In response to demand, the Craft Group will also launch their new range of stock, including baby bedding and English-size pillow cases.

Due to refurbishment work at the Picadero, the Red Cross Craft Group will hold their meetings on Wednesday mornings from 1000 hrs. (instead of Mondays) throughout July. Newcomers and holidaymakers are welcome to join in (all materials are kindly donated). For further information, telephone Anne Maddison on 971 151 909.