Man's body discovered off Macarella beach

The body of a man was found on the seabed off Macarella beach last Friday morning by a young man in a boat who alerted the lifeguards on the beach who, in turn, contacted the emergency services. An air sea rescue was launched and took four hours to recover the body which was lying off a rocky part of the coastline making access difficult.

It is believed that the man, a 31-year old, born in Maó and resident in Ciutadella, was camping out in a cave and accidentally fell from the cliff during the night.

Unemployment rose by 1.8% in August

The number of people out of work in Menorca rose by 1.8% in August compared to the previous month, bringing the total of unemployed to 4,996. This figure is 6.8% higher than twelve months ago.

In the Balearic Islands as a whole, unemployment rose by 1.24% between July and August, the first increase since January. There are now 73,007 people out of work, 9.3% more than a year ago.

House sales down by 36% in first quarter

During the first three months of this year, house sales in Menorca fell by 36%. The total number of houses sold was 156, of which 59 were new properties. The districts which registered the most movement in the property market were Maó and Alaior with 41 and 32 sales respectively.

Musical Requests at Santa Margarita

The Anglican Church is holding a Musical Request Evening at the Santa Margarita Church in Es Castell on 11th September, starting at 1900 hrs.

Organist Clare Henderson will play requests (not limited to hymns) made in advance through Andrew Jackson on 971 359 559. Everyone is welcome to attend the evening which will cost 5 euros, including a glass of wine.

Red Cross Craft Group quilting demonstration

At the Red Cross Craft Group's meeting tomorrow (1000-1200 hrs. at the Picadero Restaurant) there will be a "simple quilting" demonstration by Maggie and a chance to learn the technique. Everyone is welcome and it will also be an opportunity to buy any of the crafted items made by the group.

"Dance Night" raises 5,390 euros for ASINPROS

Ute Dahl's "Dance Night" at Maó's Teatre Principal in June raised the sum of 5,390 euros for ASINPROS and a cheque for this sum was presented to the association's president on Wednesday.